Crash Statistics – Who is Responsible for the Most Car Accidents?

Analyzing accident data from NHTSA or other reporting bodies can identify high-risk groups, the causes of accidents, and other indicators that can be used to help prevent them.
What age group is most at risk for car accidents? What caused the accident What gender is most at risk for car accidents? It is difficult to study accident statistics, but it is important to identify the root causes and present solutions at a federal level.
We will examine who is most responsible for car accidents in the United States. This article will examine statistics about car accidents based on age, gender, driving habits, lifestyle, and other factors. We searched for legitimate Los Angeles car accident attorneys to aid in our search and pulled the information from the top results.
Which age group is more likely to cause car accidents?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 258,000 teens sustained injuries and 2400 were killed in car accidents. Teenagers between the ages of 16 and 19 are three times as likely to be involved in a car crash than older drivers. Teen drivers who are accompanied by young adults or teenagers increase their risk exponentially.
We can see that the motor vehicle death rate for male teenage drivers was twice as high as that of female teens when we look at accident statistics.
The National Household Travel Survey 2016-2017 found that 16-year-old teens are at an extremely high risk of being involved in a crash, 1.5 times per mile, as compared to 18- to 19-year old drivers.
Teen drivers are at high risk of getting into an accident. They tend to underestimate dangers and make mistakes when making critical decisions.
Are Male drivers more likely to be involved in car accidents than female drivers?
According to the US Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, more people die in car accidents than women. Between 1975 and 2020 there were more male deaths in car accidents than female ones. This gap is now closing.
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 13,153 male crash deaths were reported by IIHS in 2020. This compares with 15,706 male fatalities and 3,642 female crashes in 1975. The 2020 motor vehicle crashes that killed 72% of the victims were caused by male drivers.
Men are more likely to be charged with DUI and traffic violations, and they are also involved in more car accidents than women. The average annual driving distance for men is 40% greater than that of women, which increases the likelihood of them being in an accident.
Crashes involving male drivers can be more serious than those involving female motorists. IIHS says that male drivers are more likely to drive recklessly and not wear seatbelts.
Women have more drivers’ licenses than men. But, it’s not surprising that women drivers are less likely to survive an accident involving men. Women prefer small, economical cars, while men tend to purchase large vehicles such as SUVs and pickup trucks. A large vehicle impact can cause serious and fatal injuries.
What driving behavior causes more car accidents?
Although there are many reasons for traffic accidents in the United States of America, most of them result from negligence or error by one or more drivers.
NHTSA’s February 2015 Traffic Safety Facts Crash Stats Report states that 94% of car accidents are caused by driver error.
Let’s look at some common causes of auto accidents involving drivers.
Distracted Driving
NHTSA recorded 3,000 fatalities in distracted driving crashes between 2010 and 2019. In 2019, 3100 people were killed and 424,000 sustained injuries from car accidents caused by distracted driving. Around 20% of deaths (one in five), involved people not in cars, such as pedestrians or bicyclists.
Distracted driving is:
- Modifying the radio settings.
- Talking on the telephone
- Argumenting with the passenger
- You can eat while driving.
Speeding has been a contributing factor in nearly one-third of all motor-vehicle fatalities for more than 30 years. Speeding was responsible for 29% of all road accident deaths in 2020. This equates to 11,258 deaths in America.
Speeding is a serious problem. Although accidents decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic the severity of crashes rose significantly, leading to more deaths. Because there was less traffic on the roads, many people decided to stay home. Drivers were seen speeding and driving recklessly due to this.
Speeding has a negative impact on drivers, but also pedestrians, bicyclists and law enforcement officers. The US Department of Transportation must address this serious problem.
Speeding is a violation of the law. Drivers who speed can face severe consequences.
- Risk of severe crashes rising
- Vehicle control lost
- Vehicle safety protection equipment has a reduced effect
- Increased stopping distance
- Crash-related financial costs
- Fuel consumption has increased.
Alcohol can cause brain damage and impair motor skills. These are vital for safe operation of a vehicle. The adverse effects of alcohol consumption on the central nervous system are directly proportional.
According to NHTSA, drunk driving accounts for 30% of all accidents. In 2020, there were 11,654 deaths. In drunk driving accidents, 10500 people per year died between 2011 and 2020.
Driving under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicants is illegal in all 50 states. Yet, one person per 45 minutes dies from DUI. The minimum BAC level depends on where you live and what type of vehicle. An officer can still detain or arrest drivers even if they are under the legal limit.
Aggressive Driving
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), eight out of ten drivers exhibit aggressive driving behaviors. Road rage is a term that was coined in 1990s America to describe aggressive driving behavior. It includes tailgating and yelling.
Road rage has resulted in 218 deaths and 12,610 injuries over a seven-year period. Aggressive driving is a leading cause of death. According to the AAA’s latest survey, male drivers are more likely than female drivers to display road rage. Drivers between 25 and 39 years old also exhibit road rage behavior.
Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving poses a greater threat to the roads than you might think. According to the National Sleep Foundation, there were an average of 6,400 deaths from traffic accidents involving drowsy drivers. This is a serious problem for public health. Drivers aged 16-25 are more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel than any other age group.
According to NHTSA, over 100,000 crashes are reported annually by police due to drowsy drivers each year, resulting in more than 71,000 injuries and $12.5 million in damage. The problem is far more severe than the statistics suggest. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, there are 328,000 drunk driving accidents each year.
According to the National Safety Council, drowsy drivers are like DUI. They have decreased reaction time and a higher likelihood of being involved in crashes because of impairment. It can be difficult to identify fatigue and sleep disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnea. This can lead to serious car accidents.
There are a few ways that you can avoid drowsy driving. These include
- Technology to avoid crashes
- Interventions at universities
- Get more sleep
- New medication labels
- Training in the workplace
Other than the 5 most common causes of traffic accidents, can also be a reason.
- Poorly maintained roads
- Traffic light violations
- Violations of driving rules
- Vehicle defects
- Weather conditions can be severe
- Inadequate driving skills and knowledge of the road.
Even among mature adults, it seems that failure to observe speed limits almost always plays a part. People sometimes think they have the right to drive when they don’t, even if they are using a valid turn signal or stop sign. We all need to learn how to drive and even ride motorcycles, though we have less experience.
Do Lifestyle Choices Affect Car Accident Rates?
It is not difficult to believe that lifestyle choices can have an impact on the risk of accidents. However, insurance companies do consider demographics when determining their insurance rates.
- Stockbrokers are seen by insurers as people who take on risk in their career and make reckless decisions behind the wheel. Stockbrokers might have a higher insurance rate than scientists or other professionals.
- Rural drivers are more likely than urban ones to be involved in an accident because of the higher speed limits and poor road conditions. However, insurance companies charge more for urbanites as more than 80% of all car accidents reported in urban areas. These personal injury cases involving other vehicles seem to have a lot to do with the location.
- A person with a degree or a doctorate will have a lower rate of insurance than someone with a GED. This is because the insurers think they are more likely understand reckless driving and are therefore more careful while driving.
- While it might seem discriminatory, insurance companies charge married people less than those who are not married because they consider single drivers to be more dangerous. A study of 10,525 adults revealed that married people are twice as likely to be injured by a driver’s accident than those who have been married for more miles.
Are you involved in a Car Accident? Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer
Are you looking for fair and full compensation from other drivers responsible for your car accident? Are you being refused coverage by aggressive drivers? While you may be a safe driver who follows all traffic rules, others might not. You may be in an auto accident that causes severe injuries and damages to your life. Accident victims should seek the help of an experienced lawyer in car accidents.
While it may not be possible to change the past, speaking with an attorney can help you improve your outlook for the future after a car accident. An experienced attorney can help you assess your case and advise you about any potential compensation you may receive if you decide to take legal action. A consultation with an attorney is free and will not cost you anything. Many car accident lawyers offer a free consultation for accident victims, even senior drivers involved in auto accidents.